Full Course Content - Approx. € 200
NOK 2,500.00
One time

This course consists of four parts. The first part is on the basics of lithium ion batteries. The second part is on maritime battery systems, the third part is on integrating batteries on board ships, and finally the 4th part is on battery safety. Each part will end with an exam with 10 true or false statements to test your knowledge. MBF Members can access the course for free by simply logging into the member area! Contact us at director@maritimebatteryforum.com if you don't have an account.

Introduction to Maritime Batteries

This course is developed by the Maritime Battery Forum to provide everyone in the maritime industry with insights in maritime battery technology and marine electrification. The maritime industry is electrifying rapidly, and there is a continuous development of maritime battery technology. The insights gained from this course can provide people with the required knowledge to make the right choices for battery technology on board ships. This course is useful to anyone involved with marine electrification who wants to understand battery technology and how to safely install batteries on board ships

MBF Battery Academy

Batteries are only a part of the solutions that we need to reduce emissions in shipping, but it is a solution that can be applied to every type of ship. We embarked on this mission to make it easier for everyone within the industry to keep up to date on the quickly evolving technological developments and to apply batteries safely in maritime applications.

We have developed online courses so that everyone within the maritime industry has access to the basic knowledge of maritime battery technology and marine electrification.