As part of the Mari-Tech 2025 conference in Montreal the Maritime Battery Forum will present the course "Introduction to maritime batteries" on Tuesday the 22nd of April from 13:00 until 16:00.
The full course "Introduction to maritime batteries" by the Maritime Battery Forum consists of 4 parts:
Part 1 - Lithium-ion battery basics
Part 2 - Maritime battery systems
Part 3 - Integration of batteries on board ships
Part 4 - Battery safety
Part 3 & Part 4 will be presented in-person on the 22nd of April in Montreal. For Part 1 & Part 2 registrants will receive access to the online course to prepare themselves with the basics.
The maritime industry is electrifying rapidly, and there is a continuous development of maritime battery technology. The insights gained from this course can provide people with the required knowledge to make the right choices for battery technology on board ships. This course is useful to anyone involved with marine electrification who wants to understand battery technology and how to safely install batteries on board ships