Current Status of Maritime Batteries and Future Outlook

The Maritime Battery Forum has published a paper on the “Current Status of Maritime Batteries and Future Outlook”. The development of battery powered vessels in the MBF Ship Register has been analysed to identify trends and create projection for future battery demand.

The paper discusses trends in, amongst other topics, the adoption of battery technology in various ship types, geographical areas, and propulsion configurations. As can be seen in the figure below, initially there was a stronger focus on full electric propulsion, whenever batteries were installed. This gradually shifted towards a stronger interest in hybrid propulsion systems, and more recently plug-in hybrid propulsion systems.

Are you interested to read more about the development of maritime batteries between 1998 and 2022, or do you want to know in which geographical areas the growth in demand for batteries is increasing the fastest? You can find the paper by the MBF on the member’s area on our website.

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Alsym™ Energy joins the Maritime Battery Forum as member


Zinus AS joins the Maritime Battery Forum as member