Survey - Safe integration of batteries on board of ships

The Battery Safety Joint Industry Project is an ongoing initiative by the Maritime Battery Forum to increase the knowledge about battery safety on board of ships. On a monthly basis a group of experts from our members assemble to work together on increasing the safety of the maritime industry.

Part of this project is focused on the safe integration of batteries on board of ships.

The goal of the project part for safe integration of batteries on board of ships is to create a guideline, supported by the industry, agreeing on safety measures required for the safe integration of batteries. The first step for this part of the project is to gather information through a survey, to determine the current understanding of safety measures for batteries on board of ships and to identify any knowledge gaps within the industry. This survey is now available.

About the survey

The industry now has more than a decade of experience with installing battery systems on board of ships, and over this time the understanding of, and opinion on safety has evolved significantly. The goal of this survey is to gather opinions on the topic of safe integration of batteries on board of ships, both from people with 10 years of experience in the field, as well as people that are currently working on their first battery project. The aim is to identify the topics where public opinion generally agrees upon, as well as the topics that are less agreed upon, and the topics that need further research.

Please help us improve the safety of maritime batteries by completing this survey.


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