Multi-Scenario Life Cycle Impact Assessment on the Global Warming Potential of Maritime Battery Systems

Master Thesis Report by Bart Joziasse - Eindhoven University of Technology & EST-Floattech


This research conducts a life cycle assessment (LCA) of maritime battery systems, focusing on the global warming potential (GWP) impacts of EST-Floattech’s 1.8MWh containerized battery system across various scenarios. In this, the GWP of different operational and end of life scenarios is analyzed. The approach in the figure below is used to get the best data sources possible. Furthermore, the data was validated with a pedigree matrix by ranking the data quality on different indicators.


The results highlight that battery cell production is the primary contributor to manufacturing GWP, driven by energy-intensive processes and raw material extraction, with total impacts estimated at 235 mto CO2 eq. The study underscores the need for frequent updates to LCA databases due to rapid advancements in battery technology, revealing significant discrepancies between state-of-the-art data and existing LCA values.

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